Part 8: 50 effective power words for AI image generation! With all images!

Here are 50 power words that are known to work great with Midjourney and other AI image generation software.

All of them are accompanied by images, so if you find any of them good, we hope you will use them.


For more information about techniques, etc., please see the article at ↓.

Latest edition of Midjourney! Consideration & experimentation of techniques and small tricks in search of "God's one"....



The original image is below.

An old man sitting on a park bench.

and then the image is generated.

Original image. Generated Word「An old man sitting on a park bench.」

In the following, we will add power words to this statement to see the changes.

So here goes.


single face  シングルフェイス

An old man sitting on a park bench. single face

Craig Mullins  クレイグ・マリンズ

An old man sitting on a park bench. Craig Mullins

volumetric  容量性

An old man sitting on a park bench. volumetric

style of Krenz Cushart  台湾で有名なイラストレーター

An old man sitting on a park bench. style of Krenz Cushart

and Charlie Bowater and Craig Mullins  チャーリー・ボウォーターとクレイグ・マリンズ

An old man sitting on a park bench. and Charlie Bowater and Craig Mullins

Alexis Franklin   アレクシス・フランクリン

An old man sitting on a park bench. Alexis Franklin


An old man sitting on a park bench. 3D

medieval  中世

An old man sitting on a park bench. medieval

portrait of shadows melting as water falls around them  周りに水が落ちて溶ける影のポートレート

An old man sitting on a park bench. portrait of shadows melting as water falls around them

night  夜

An old man sitting on a park bench. night

weta digital  ウェタ・デジタル

An old man sitting on a park bench. weta digital

insanely detailed  精緻を極めた

An old man sitting on a park bench. insanely detailed

pale skin  薄い肌

An old man sitting on a park bench. pale skin

in the style of paul granger  ポール・グランジャー風

An old man sitting on a park bench. in the style of paul granger

detailed illustration  詳細図

An old man sitting on a park bench. detailed illustration

mysterio  ミステリオ

An old man sitting on a park bench. mysterio

daft punk   ダフト・パンク

An old man sitting on a park bench. daft punk

character portrait of boy  少年像

An old man sitting on a park bench. character portrait of boy

steampunk  スチームパンク

An old man sitting on a park bench. steampunk

armour  鎧

An old man sitting on a park bench. armour

cinematic portrait of eldritch horror  エルドリッチホラーの映画的描写

An old man sitting on a park bench. cinematic portrait of eldritch horror

cthulu  クトゥルフ

An old man sitting on a park bench. cthulu

xenomorph   ゼノモーフ(エイリアン)

An old man sitting on a park bench. xenomorph

flower  花

An old man sitting on a park bench. flower

vines  ブドウの木

An old man sitting on a park bench. vines

tentacles  触手

An old man sitting on a park bench. tentacles

purple  紫色

An old man sitting on a park bench. purple

randy Vargas  ランディ・バルガス

An old man sitting on a park bench. randy Vargas

Diego Gisbert Llorens  ディエゴ・ジスベルト・ロレンス

An old man sitting on a park bench. Diego Gisbert Llorens

helmet  ヘルメット

An old man sitting on a park bench. helmet

composition  構成

An old man sitting on a park bench. composition

quality artstation portrait  クオリティアートステーション・ポートレート

An old man sitting on a park bench. quality artstation portrait

two identical symmetrical eyes   2 つの同一の対称的な目

An old man sitting on a park bench. two identical symmetrical eyes

trading card  トレーディングカード

An old man sitting on a park bench. trading card

in a symbolic and meaningful style  象徴的で意味のあるスタイル

An old man sitting on a park bench. in a symbolic and meaningful style

stormy sky  嵐の空

An old man sitting on a park bench. stormy sky

cyber punk  サイバーパンク

An old man sitting on a park bench. cyber punk

Elena Masci   エレナ・マッシ

An old man sitting on a park bench. Elena Masci

moody  不機嫌な

An old man sitting on a park bench. moody

black hair  黒髪

An old man sitting on a park bench. black hair

poor  貧弱

An old man sitting on a park bench. poor

portrait of a knight  騎士の肖像

An old man sitting on a park bench. portrait of a knight

yellow backlit  イエローバックライト

An old man sitting on a park bench. yellow backlit

romanticism painting  ロマン主義絵画

An old man sitting on a park bench. romanticism painting

bold textured brush strokes  太筆

An old man sitting on a park bench. bold textured brush strokes

caustics  包絡線

An old man sitting on a park bench. caustics

Rendered in Cinema4D  Cinema4Dでレンダリング

An old man sitting on a park bench. Rendered in Cinema4D


An old man sitting on a park bench. ZBrush

close up  クローズアップ

An old man sitting on a park bench. close up

Pawel Rebisz  パベル・レビシュ

An old man sitting on a park bench. Pawel Rebisz

botany  植物学

An old man sitting on a park bench. botany



How was the above?

I will look for more power words that look good and publish them tomorrow.

Thank you again.