Part 7: 50 effective power words for AI image generation! With all images!

Here are 50 power words that are known to work great with Midjourney and other AI image generation software.

All of them are accompanied by images, so if you find any of them good, we hope you will use them.


For more information about techniques, etc., please see the article at ↓.

Latest edition of Midjourney! Consideration & experimentation of techniques and small tricks in search of "God's one"....



The original image is below.

An old man sitting on a park bench.

and then the image is generated.

Original image. Generated Word「An old man sitting on a park bench.」

In the following, we will add power words to this statement to see the changes.

So here goes.


Mucha Klimt and Tom Bagshaw  クリムトとトム・バグショー

An old man sitting on a park bench. Mucha Klimt and Tom Bagshaw

Maya+V-Ray +metal art+ extremely detailed symmetrical    Maya+V-Ray +メタルアート+極めて精細な左右対称のデザイン

An old man sitting on a park bench. Maya+V-Ray +metal art+ extremely detailed symmetrical

floating gold skulls  フローティングゴールドスカル

An old man sitting on a park bench. floating gold skulls

before an orb of blue and orange light  青とオレンジの光のオーブの前に

An old man sitting on a park bench. before an orb of blue and orange light

rococo details  ロココ・ディテール

An old man sitting on a park bench. rococo details

4k post processing is very detailed     4Kの後処理は非常に細かい

An old man sitting on a park bench. 4k post processing is very detailed

Maya+V-Ray +metal art+ extremely detailed     Maya + V-Ray + メタル アート + 非常に詳細

An old man sitting on a park bench. Maya+V-Ray +metal art+ extremely detailed

lovecraft  ラヴクラフト

An old man sitting on a park bench. lovecraft

kelogsloops    ケロッグスループ

An old man sitting on a park bench. kelogsloops

aykut aydogdu

An old man sitting on a park bench. aykut aydogdu

3d sculpture  立体彫刻

An old man sitting on a park bench. 3d sculpture

attractive  魅力的

An old man sitting on a park bench. attractive

singlet  肌着

An old man sitting on a park bench. singlet

full body photography  全身写真

An old man sitting on a park bench. full body photography

intricate accurate details  精緻な描写

An old man sitting on a park bench. intricate accurate details

artstation trending  アートステーション・トレンディング

An old man sitting on a park bench. artstation trending

super detailed  超詳細

An old man sitting on a park bench. super detailed

depth of field  被写界深度

An old man sitting on a park bench. depth of field

by Daniel Gerhartz   ダニエル・ゲルハルツ

An old man sitting on a park bench. by Daniel Gerhartz

Mike Mignola   マイク・ミニョーラ

An old man sitting on a park bench. Mike Mignola

illustration  イラスト

An old man sitting on a park bench. illustration

watercolor on paper  水彩画

An old man sitting on a park bench. watercolor on paper

hyper detail portrait  超詳細ポートレート

An old man sitting on a park bench. hyper detail portrait

closeup on face  顔のクローズ アップ

An old man sitting on a park bench. closeup on face

light pastel backgroun  ライトパステル背景

An old man sitting on a park bench. light pastel backgroun

Charlie Bowater and Gabrielle Ragusi    チャーリー・ボウォーターとガブリエル・ラグシ

An old man sitting on a park bench. Charlie Bowater and Gabrielle Ragusi

fantasy dd  ファンタジーDD

An old man sitting on a park bench. fantasy dd

soft light  ソフトライト

An old man sitting on a park bench. soft light

lifelike  リアルな

An old man sitting on a park bench. lifelike

trending on pixiv  ピクシブで流行中

An old man sitting on a park bench. trending on pixiv

brush strokes  筆画

An old man sitting on a park bench. brush strokes

handsome in the style of Charlie Bowater  チャーリー・ボウォーター風ハンサム

An old man sitting on a park bench. handsome in the style of Charlie Bowater

matte background  マット背景

An old man sitting on a park bench. matte background

Ashley Wood  アシュレイウッド

An old man sitting on a park bench. Ashley Wood

like a professional model  プロモデル並み

An old man sitting on a park bench.  like a professional model

ivory  象牙

An old man sitting on a park bench. ivory

polished  上品

An old man sitting on a park bench. polished

dramatic shadows  陰影

An old man sitting on a park bench. dramatic shadows

portrait lighting  ポートレート照明

An old man sitting on a park bench. portrait lighting

clay render  粘土細工

An old man sitting on a park bench. clay render

quixel megascan

An old man sitting on a park bench. quixel megascan

contemporary marble  現代大理石

An old man sitting on a park bench. contemporary marble

darkness  闇

An old man sitting on a park bench. darkness

beautiful girl  美少女

An old man sitting on a park bench. beautiful girl

bioluminescence  生物発光

An old man sitting on a park bench. bioluminescence

matte painting  マットペインティング

An old man sitting on a park bench. matte painting

proportional  比例

An old man sitting on a park bench. proportional

ultra-realistic,8k renderingreflection  超リアルな8kレンダリング反射

An old man sitting on a park bench. ultra-realistic,8k renderingreflection

by Brian Froud  ブライアン・フラウド

An old man sitting on a park bench. by Brian Froud

8K 3D

An old man sitting on a park bench. 8K 3D



How was the above?

I will look for more power words that look good and publish them tomorrow.

Thank you again.