Part 4: 50 effective power words for AI image generation! With all images!

Here are 50 power words that are known to work great with Midjourney and other AI image generation software.

All of them are accompanied by images, so if you find any of them good, we hope you will use them.


For more information about techniques, etc., please see the article at ↓.

Latest edition of Midjourney! Consideration & experimentation of techniques and small tricks in search of "God's one"....



The original image is below.

An old man sitting on a park bench.

and then the image is generated.

Original image. Generated Word「An old man sitting on a park bench.」

In the following, we will add power words to this statement to see the changes.

So here goes.


Futurism  未来派

An old man sitting on a park bench. Futurism

fresco painting  フレスコ画

An old man sitting on a park bench. fresco painting

Found Objects   ファウンド・オブジェ

An old man sitting on a park bench. Found Objects

foreshortening   短縮法

An old man sitting on a park bench. foreshortening

Figurative  比喩的

An old man sitting on a park bench. Figurative

Fauvism  フォービズム

An old man sitting on a park bench. Fauvism

Expressionism  表現派

An old man sitting on a park bench. Expressionism

encaustic painting   エンカウスティーク絵画

An old man sitting on a park bench. encaustic painting

easel painting  イーゼル画

An old man sitting on a park bench. easel painting

Dutch Golden Age  オランダ黄金時代

An old man sitting on a park bench. Dutch Golden Age

divisionism  分割描法

An old man sitting on a park bench. divisionism

Dadaism  ダダイズム

An old man sitting on a park bench. Dadaism

cutout picture  切り絵

An old man sitting on a park bench. cutout picture

Cubism  キュビズム

An old man sitting on a park bench. Cubism

crayon  クレヨン

An old man sitting on a park bench. crayon

copperplate engraving  銅版画

An old man sitting on a park bench. copperplate engraving

Contemporary   現代的

An old man sitting on a park bench. Contemporary

Color Pencils  色鉛筆

An old man sitting on a park bench. Color Pencils

Collages  コラージュ

An old man sitting on a park bench. Collages

chiaroscuro  明暗法

An old man sitting on a park bench. chiaroscuro

Chalk  チョーク

An old man sitting on a park bench. Chalk

casein painting  カゼイン絵画

An old man sitting on a park bench. casein painting

camaieu   カマイユ

An old man sitting on a park bench. camaieu

Baroque  バロック

An old man sitting on a park bench. Baroque

Assemblage   アサンブラージュ

An old man sitting on a park bench. Assemblage

Art Nouveau  アール・ヌーボー

An old man sitting on a park bench. Art Nouveau

Art Deco  アールデコ

An old man sitting on a park bench. Art Deco

anamorphosis   アナモルフォーシス

An old man sitting on a park bench. anamorphosis

aerial perspective  空気遠近法

An old man sitting on a park bench. aerial perspective

action painting  アクション・ペインティング

An old man sitting on a park bench. action painting

acrylic painting  アクリル絵の具

An old man sitting on a park bench. acrylic painting


radioactive  放射性

An old man sitting on a park bench. radioactive

ray tracing  レイトレーシング(光線追跡法)

An old man sitting on a park bench. ray tracing

realistic  リアル

An old man sitting on a park bench. realistic

renaissanc  ルネッサンス

An old man sitting on a park bench. renaissanc

retro  レトロ

An old man sitting on a park bench. retro

risograph   石版印刷

An old man sitting on a park bench. risograph

sacred geometry  神聖幾何学

An old man sitting on a park bench. sacred geometry

sketch drawing  スケッチ・ドローイング

An old man sitting on a park bench. sketch drawing

slime  スライム

An old man sitting on a park bench. slime

space  スペース

An old man sitting on a park bench. space

splatter paint  スプラッターペイント

An old man sitting on a park bench. splatter paint

spray paint  スプレーペイント

An old man sitting on a park bench. spray paint

squiggles  走り書き、くねくねした線

An old man sitting on a park bench. squiggles

stitching  縫い目

An old man sitting on a park bench. stitching

stranger things  見知らぬもの

An old man sitting on a park bench. stranger things

street art  ストリートアート

An old man sitting on a park bench. street art

surreal  シュール(超現実的)

An old man sitting on a park bench. surreal

symmetric  対称的

An old man sitting on a park bench. symmetric

synthwave  シンセウェーブ

An old man sitting on a park bench. synthwave


How was the above?

I will look for more power words that look good and publish them tomorrow.

Thank you again.