50 Effective Power Words in AI Image Generation! With all images!

Here are 50 power words that are known to work great with Midjourney and other AI image generation software.

All of them are accompanied by images, so if you find any of them good, we hope you will use them.


For more information about techniques, etc., please see the article at ↓.

Latest edition of Midjourney! Consideration & experimentation of techniques and small tricks in search of 「God's one」....



The original image is below.

An old man sitting on a park bench.

and then the image is generated.

Original image. Generated Word「An old man sitting on a park bench.」

In the following, we will add power words to this statement to see the changes.

So here goes.


anatomical drawing  解剖図

An old man sitting on a park bench. anatomical drawing


An old man sitting on a park bench. 4-bit


An old man sitting on a park bench. 8-bit


old man sitting on a park bench. 16-bit

1800s   1800年代

An old man sitting on a park bench. 1800s

1900s   1900年代

An old man sitting on a park bench. 1900s

2000s   2000年代

An old man sitting on a park bench. 2000s

2100s   2100年代

An old man sitting on a park bench. 2100s

amber   琥珀

An old man sitting on a park bench. amber

ancient   古代

An old man sitting on a park bench. ancient

anime   アニメ

An old man sitting on a park bench. anime

antimatter 反物質

An old man sitting on a park bench. antimatter

arabic アラビア人

An old man sitting on a park bench. arabic

black hole   ブラックホール

An old man sitting on a park bench. black hole

blocky ブロック状

An old man sitting on a park bench. blocky

blueprint drawing  設計図の描画

An old man sitting on a park bench. blueprint drawing

carbon fiber  カーボンファイバー

An old man sitting on a park bench. carbon fiber

caribbean  カリブ海

An old man sitting on a park bench. caribbean

cartoon  アニメーション

An old man sitting on a park bench.cartoon

carved lacquer   彫漆(ちょうしつ)

An old man sitting on a park bench. carved lacquer

celestial  天体の

An old man sitting on a park bench. celestial

cellulose  セルロース

An old man sitting on a park bench. cellulose

charcoal style  チャコールスタイル

An old man sitting on a park bench. charcoal style

chromatic 色彩的

An old man sitting on a park bench. chromatic

comicbook    漫画専門の雑誌

An old man sitting on a park bench. comicbook

comicbook drawing  マンガ・ドローイング

An old man sitting on a park bench. comicbook drawing

computer chip  コンピューターチップ

An old man sitting on a park bench. computer chip

concept art   コンセプトアート

An old man sitting on a park bench. concept art

coral  珊瑚

An old man sitting on a park bench. coral

cyberpunk   サイバーパンク

An old man sitting on a park bench. cyberpunk

da vinci    ダ・ヴィンチ

An old man sitting on a park bench. da vinci

da vinci drawing    ダ・ヴィンチドローイング

An old man sitting on a park bench. da vinci drawing

dangerous   危険

An old man sitting on a park bench. dangerous

dark matter  ダークマター(暗黒物質)

An old man sitting on a park bench. dark matter

deep sea  深海

An old man sitting on a park bench. deep sea

diabolic   邪悪な

An old man sitting on a park bench.diabolic

diffraction grading  回折格子(かいせつこうし)

An old man sitting on a park bench. diffraction grading

dna   DNA

An old man sitting on a park bench. dna

dots  ドット

An old man sitting on a park bench. dots

dripping paint  ドリップペインティング

An old man sitting on a park bench. dripping paint

dune  砂丘

An old man sitting on a park bench. dune

electrical  電気

An old man sitting on a park bench. electrical

electronic circuitry  電子回路

An old man sitting on a park bench. electronic circuitry

etching  エッチング(腐食銅版画)

An old man sitting on a park bench. etching

extraterrestrial    地球外生命体

An old man sitting on a park bench. extraterrestrial

fiber optic  光ファイバー

An old man sitting on a park bench. fiber optic

fibonacci  フィボナッチ

An old man sitting on a park bench. fibonacci

floral  花のような

An old man sitting on a park bench. floral

flower of life  神聖幾何学模様、生命の花

An old man sitting on a park bench. flower of life

fossil  化石

An old man sitting on a park bench. fossil


How was the above?

I will look for more power words that look good and publish them tomorrow.

Thank you again.