Part 10: 50 effective power words for AI image generation! With all images!

Here are 50 power words that are known to work great with Midjourney and other AI image generation software.

All of them are accompanied by images, so if you find any of them good, we hope you will use them.


For more information about techniques, etc., please see the article at ↓.

Latest edition of Midjourney! Consideration & experimentation of techniques and small tricks in search of "God's one"....



The original image is below.

An old man sitting on a park bench.

and then the image is generated.

Original image. Generated Word「An old man sitting on a park bench.」

In the following, we will add power words to this statement to see the changes.

So here goes.


letters  文字

An old man sitting on a park bench. letters

classical   古典的

An old man sitting on a park bench. classical

aura  オーラ

An old man sitting on a park bench. aura

sleek  なめらかな

An old man sitting on a park bench. sleek

creative  クリエイティブ

An old man sitting on a park bench. creative

grid  グリッド

An old man sitting on a park bench. grid

zen  禅

An old man sitting on a park bench. zen

runes  ルーン文字

An old man sitting on a park bench. runes

african  アフリカ人

An old man sitting on a park bench. african

spiritual  霊的

An old man sitting on a park bench. spiritual

artistic  芸術的

An old man sitting on a park bench. artistic

ugly  醜い

An old man sitting on a park bench. ugly

smile  ほほえみ

An old man sitting on a park bench. smile

burst of laughter  爆笑

An old man sitting on a park bench. burst of laughter

astral  アストラル

An old man sitting on a park bench. astral

dusty  ほこりっぽい

An old man sitting on a park bench. dusty

bionic  生体工学的

An old man sitting on a park bench. bionic

vogue  流行

An old man sitting on a park bench. vogue

aurora  オーロラ

An old man sitting on a park bench. aurora

retrofuturistic  レトロフューチャー的な

An old man sitting on a park bench. retrofuturistic

charming   チャーミング

An old man sitting on a park bench. charming

meditating  瞑想

An old man sitting on a park bench. meditating

fairytale  おとぎ話

An old man sitting on a park bench. fairytale

deity  神

An old man sitting on a park bench. deity

infinity  無限大

An old man sitting on a park bench. infinity

dreamscape  夢幻

An old man sitting on a park bench. dreamscape

elaborate  精巧

An old man sitting on a park bench. elaborate

sushi  寿司

An old man sitting on a park bench. sushi

fluorescent    蛍光

An old man sitting on a park bench. fluorescent

sci fi    SF

An old man sitting on a park bench. sci fi

movie poster  映画ポスター

An old man sitting on a park bench. movie poster

cyberpunk city  サイバーパンク・シティ

An old man sitting on a park bench. cyberpunk city

stained glass  ステンドグラス

An old man sitting on a park bench. stained glass

dark fantasy  ダークファンタジー

An old man sitting on a park bench. dark fantasy

futuristic city  未来型都市

An old man sitting on a park bench. futuristic city

lighting rendered  ライティング・レンダリング

An old man sitting on a park bench. lighting rendered

artificial intelligence  人工知能

An old man sitting on a park bench. artificial intelligence

steam punk  スチームパンク

An old man sitting on a park bench. steam punk

detailed unreal  詳細な非現実的な

An old man sitting on a park bench. detailed unreal

vintage photo  ビンテージ写真

An old man sitting on a park bench. vintage photo

fantasy world  幻想世界

An old man sitting on a park bench. fantasy world

dark gothic  ダークゴシック

An old man sitting on a park bench. dark gothic

wabi sabi  わびさび

An old man sitting on a park bench. wabi sabi

middle earth  中つ国

An old man sitting on a park bench. middle earth

epic photorealistic  叙事詩の写実的な

An old man sitting on a park bench. epic photorealistic

uncanny valley  不気味の谷

An old man sitting on a park bench. uncanny valley

cyberpunk samurai  サイバーパンク侍

An old man sitting on a park bench. cyberpunk samurai

gothic horror  ゴシックホラー

An old man sitting on a park bench. gothic horror

anime manga  アニメマンガ

An old man sitting on a park bench. anime manga

world tree  世界樹

An old man sitting on a park bench. world tree


How was the above?

I will look for more power words that look good and publish them tomorrow.

Thank you again.